Depression is a mental illness that affects many people. Estimates show that major depression affects approximately 350 million people yearly, including clinical depression and other mood disorders. Many people think of therapy dogs as a type of animal guide for those who are blind or have impaired vision and might need someone to help them navigate their surroundings. But what about those with depression? Some experts believe therapy dogs could be valuable in treating or alleviating the symptoms of this sometimes debilitating mental illness.
In this blog post, we'll explore whether therapy dogs can help treat major depressive disorder and determine if they do any good in relieving some symptoms of the disease itself.
How are dogs trained to be therapy dogs?
To become a certified therapy dog, a dog must undergo rigorous training. Therapy dogs must learn over 50 commands and are required to pass obedience trials. They need to know how to walk on the lead, sit, lie, and stay in one place. They need to be able to accept being approached by strangers, children, and other animals such as other dogs and cats. Some therapy dogs have specialities that they excel at, such as agility training or retrieving items for those who are a wheelchair user. But the most important thing is that these hard-working canines become willing companions that enjoy spending time with people and help them feel better.
What are the benefits of having a therapy dog?
The idea behind therapy dogs is that they can help improve a person's mood. The presence of a loving companion dog is positive for both children and adults. A study done in 2008 showed that associated therapy dog visits increased positive affectivity, a better quality of life for those with depression, and improved social functioning among patients with Alzheimer's. Also, people who own a therapy dog report experiencing fewer depression symptoms and optimism than those without a pet. Companionship may be what helps treat the symptoms of the major depressive disorder rather than the mere presence of an animal. Animals are proven to promote social interactions and improve mood in many people. Plus, therapy dogs reduce stress which is often associated with depression.

How do dogs help with depressive disorders?
Before we can determine if therapy dogs work for major depressive disorder, we must understand how and why dogs can help mood disorders. The presence of animals has benefited people on many levels, including the following.
Animals can increase positive social interactions. When people spend time with dogs or other animals, they tend to have more positive interactions than those who spend time alone. This social interaction-boosting activity helps relieve depression and anxiety in some people. Animals bring out a person's sense of playfulness and imagination which often includes a more creative side of our minds that goes unused otherwise. Animals can give us something to focus on and occupy our time when we otherwise feel lost or lonely. When people have depression, they often become withdrawn. Spending time with animals can help distract people from feeling this way. Animals are usually very forgiving and understanding, making it easier for people with depression to open up about their struggles.
Will a therapy dog reduce my symptoms of major depressive disorder?
The idea behind therapy dogs is that those who experience a mood disorder such as major depressive disorder will benefit from having a companion animal to spend time with. This can help reduce the symptoms of depression in some people, but for most, it's not strong enough to make a significant difference. It is unclear if therapy dogs effectively treat or alleviate symptoms of major depressive disorder.

Suppose a person suffers from major depressive disorder and wants to try therapy dogs as part of their treatment plan. In that case, they should speak with their physician and board-certified mental health professional about other therapies that may help them. Therapy dogs may not work for everyone with depression because there are so many different causes for this illness and various symptoms. A person who has major depressive disorder needs to find the proper treatment that works best for their specific needs.
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