Pets are significant and have a very positive effect on people's lives. They are furballs of joy and make great companions to us humans. If you have one, you'll know how much of a part of your family they are, just like your other two-legged family members. There are many instances where pets have been used for therapy in mental health hospitals with LGBTQ+ adults. LGBTQ adults with dogs are fitter and socially connected with others (Those long dog walks are an excellent way to socialize not only your dog but their parents too). This socialization will likely help them participate in a lot more community activities. Dogs might help you meet great people who are pet parents too. They can be excellent matchmakers, you know! Thus, pets have always played a significant role in therapeutic activities, especially bringing more positivity to the marginalized community.
Research has shown that daily animal interaction improves mental health and supports sound wellbeing. You will be surprised to know about the incredible benefits of pets in man's well-being:
•Better heart health.
•Lesser stress.
•Elimination of loneliness.
•Inculcation of better socio-emotional skills.
•Enhanced social interaction.
•A sense of belonging.
Pets are known to be man's best friend, and they have repeatedly proven it, especially with LGBTQ+ adults who live away from their families and are in dire need of companionship. Their pets are like their children and that loving family member. Their pets fulfill their quota of love, affection, and acceptance.

Why are pets great for LGBTQ+ Adults' mental health?
Although we have grown very open-minded about acceptance and non-judging, in reality, the majority of our society, no matter how evolved, is still prejudiced about LGBTQ. Even if many people have been very vocal about it and campaigned for equal rights for sexual minorities, they still live in a disadvantaged position. They are shunned away by society, leaving them in a void of loneliness. LGBTQ adults are often subjected to discrimination, anxiety, depression, and psychological distress from a very young age and throughout their lives. Thus they are more prone to stress and mental disorders. Pets, as we said, play a significant role in therapeutic activities that uplift mental health and alleviate stress with their wagging tails and wet snuggles, and sloppy kisses. They make you feel needed and give you the due love you deserve without being judged for how you were born.
LGBTQ adults are majorly subject to criminalization and social stigmatization. They are prey to psychological disorders and an elevated risk of depression. There is a lack of social support in their lives, and they are vulnerable. Pets make unique contributions to LGBTQ adults' lives by fulfilling their need for belongingness and meaningful existence.

Here's what a Lesbian Friend of mine has to say:
"I was going through a rough patch of my life with my family when I had just come out about my unique sexual interests, and they were in a state of absolute denial. I was going through gender dysphoria, and it was a fight for me to accept my sexuality. However, I was struggling through it, and my family shut me out, and I was forced to live alone all by myself going. It was becoming alot to take in with each passing day, and existing became intolerable. So I decided to end my life, a life that was mocking me for being different, for being myself. So the night I planned my suicide, I wanted to treat myself one last time, so I went to have my favorite food, Golgappas. Once I was done having the Golgappas, I paid the man and heard a faint meowing from the back of the caravan. I followed the meowing, which led me to a newborn litter of kittens. But I noticed that the mother was gone. All the kittens were meowing, but this little black kitten was lying straight without moving in the corner. I picked it up and started to rub its chest, and suddenly it came to consciousness and started meowing loudly. I knew that I just had to take her home. At that moment, I only cared about keeping that little black ball of fur safe. I took her home and completely forgot about the night's schedule. I name her Shadow. Days passed by into weeks, Shadow was growing fast, and my love for her too. She would cling to me like I was her mother, giving me a feeling of belongingness and a sense of being wanted and loved. But she fell extremely sick with Feline Leukemia Virus, and I did everything to save her. For 4 weeks, I gave her intensive care, and in the process of taking care of her, I completely forgot about my suicidal tendencies. Look at me now. I am a happy and Bold Cat lady who lives with her cat in the apartment. Shadow just celebrated her 2nd Birthday last week. She never lets any day be a bad day and iterates her love and trust for me every day. Shadow has truly changed my life; I wouldn't be alive to say this if I had not found her at the Shack that night."- Samiksha Kalra

If you are prey to loneliness, it is best to adopt a pet now. Your time and energy will be invested in them to the extent that you wouldn't be able to put your mind to negative and disapproving thoughts. So yes! Pets do help you shut out negative criticism and help you find the love and attention that you surely deserve. Animal companions can provide adequate mental support and love to older LGBTQ adults.
People have frequently accepted that their pets are their lifelines and as somebody who keeps their company.
If you are living alone and struggling to combat loneliness, getting a pet is the best decision ever. But make it a point that while you are adopting a pet, adopt from a responsible breeder. We at Mr n Mrs Pet ensure that you adopt a healthy and purebred pet. We will help you with your pet care and pet supplies need throughout your pet parenting journey.
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