A dog can be a child's best friend. It has been proven that growing up with a dog helps children learn social skills, impulsive behavior, and self-esteem. Dogs will be delighted to see you when you return home, and their affection is unconditional. They're the ideal confidant as well as a willing playmate. We have compiled a list of the 12 Most Affordable Dog Breeds. Let's check them out!

Indian Spitz: Indian Spitz dogs are highly regarded even though they are naughty sometimes. They are very family-friendly and have a fun personalities. These dogs crave personal attention and will not tolerate being ignored or left alone for extended periods. They usually bark at strangers who enter their territory, though they will calm down if humans treasure them. Their owners should introduce them to visitors in a relaxed manner. Indian Spitz dogs learn quickly and are pretty intelligent. Loyal, active, obedient, and affectionate are all words that accurately describe the personalities of Indian Spitz dogs, which may contribute to their continued popularity. The average quality Indian Spitz costs from ₹8,000 to ₹12,000.
German Shepherd: A Normal German Shepherd puppy would cost you about ₹10,000. German Shepherds are intelligent, confident, and highly energetic breeds. They are not only curious and alert but also obedient, loyal, protective, and courageous! These dogs require proper exercise and training for their physical and mental health development. They must be well fed as they have duties to tend to because canines think from their tummies! Having a German Shepherd at home is like having a guardian always be by your side, play with you and protect you and your family.

Pug: Coming to its price, a pug is an affordable choice for most new pet parents as standard quality pug costs ₹18,000. So, they go easy on your pocket. Pugs are well-known as gentle and friendly companion dogs. The breed's personality is described as calm and charming, and they remain popular even in the twenty-first century, with various celebrities owning them! A pug is unlike any other dog. They're hilarious, adorable, loyal, and adorably affectionate. Pug adoration is enough to turn anyone into a pug lover!

Pomeranian: This small but fierce dog breed is noted for its intelligence, curiosity, energy, feistiness, and boldness. They are usually a lot of fun and enjoy being the focus of attention. They can be wonderful family dogs but may not be the most important choice for homes with little children. Despite their small stature, Pomeranian have a loud bark and make good watchdogs. However, because they don't always know when to stop barking, it's a good idea to teach them to do so on-demand. Average quality Pomeranian puppies cost ₹8,000- 12,000.

Doberman: Standing at 25 to 27 inches with a sleek black and tan coat and muscular body, the Doberman Pinscher, or Doberman as it is known in some countries, may look scary, but it is far from it. The Doberman has a long muzzle. It does not usually have a heavy foot when standing on that pad. Since Dobermans were bred as aggressive guard dogs and are instinctively loyal and protective, they are also super affectionate and gentle animals that love to be around their family. The standard quality Doberman costs up to ₹25,000.

Chihuahua: The Chihuahua is one of the world's most miniature dogs named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua. The charms of the Chihuahua dog breed entail its small size, big personality, and various coat types and colors. The pup fits the palm of your hand! I recently had a conversation with new Chihuahua parents, and this was a real eye-opener about this feisty little breed. The average Chihuahua price ranges between ₹5,000 and ₹25,000.

Beagle: Beagle are one of the most incredible family dogs for their joyful personality, sweet disposition, and low care, whether you live alone or have young children in the house. Despite their tendency to bark and stubbornness, they are one of the best pet dogs. They think with their noses (not literally) and can wander around a lot! They are happy dogs who enjoy affection, but they prefer company—Beagle prices in India range from ₹8,000 to ₹16,000 for beagles.

Boxers: Boxers are known to be not only devoted and cheerful but also loyal, confident, and playful. They are calm yet brave. Boxers are considered regular or average in intelligence for compliance and working knowledge. As Dog Psychologist- Stanley Coren indicated, they're the 90th sharpest canine variety. Regardless, Boxer are natural learners and can undoubtedly gain from previous encounters. Boxer prices goes from ₹6,000 – ₹20,000.

Rampur Hound: This is one of India's oldest and rarest dog breeds. This breed gets its name from its birthplace, Rampur, located in North India between Delhi and Bareilly. The Nawab of Rampur- Ahmed Ali Khan Bahadur, created this breed by combining the bloodlines of Tazi from Afghanistan and English Grey Hound from the United Kingdom and named it Rampur Hound. This breed is well-known for its unrivaled allegiance to its family. You can get yourself a Rampur hound for ₹5,000 – ₹12,000.

Kombai: Kombai dogs are one of the most courageous Indian dogs. In the old days, people used them primarily for hunting boars, bison, and deer. The Kombai is a native dog breed of Tamil Nadu and is named after the town where it originated. They are lovable pets as well as outstanding guard dogs with tremendous loyalty. The unique coat style of this breed leads people to believe it is a fox descendant. It is available in India for ₹5,000 – ₹9,000.
Rottweiler: Rottweilers are known to be not only devoted and steady but also alert, confident, and obedient. They are calm yet fearless. This breed is considered regular or average in intelligence for compliance and working knowledge. Regardless, Rottweiler are natural learner and can undoubtedly gain from previous encounters. The Rottweiler is potentially one of the most dangerous dogs globally because of its physical characteristics. Price- ₹7,000 – ₹20,000

Cocker Spaniel: Cocker Spaniels are a very patient yet playful breed. Here's a little bit of their history- Cocker Spaniel are a type of sporting canines utilized by trackers and hunters to flush game birds from cover; it is additionally prepared to retrieve. In India, English Cocker Spaniel is available for ₹6,000 – ₹15,000.
If you like them, go ahead and adopt one for a new and beautiful experience, and we wish you all the best memories for your journey ahead! Get a pup from a responsible dog adoption site (just like ours!); we hope you are more than prepared to welcome your fur buddy home with these things.
If you need help figuring out what kind of dog breed would be the best for your home, you can check out Mr n Mrs Pet. They have trusted professionals and veterinarians who provide the best advice regarding the best dog food for your pup and suggestions for your pet's well-being.
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