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Top 10 Guinness World Records Made by Pets

The Guiness book of world records is not only meant for humans, the records can be owned by animals as well. Some of the pets have earned a place in the Guiness book of world records. Similar to humans, most of the pets are born in an extraordinary way or they have developed a unique skill set.

Some of the top 10 Guiness world records earned by pets

1. Longest Tongue

The Puggy is a Pekingenese male dog, which has a tall tongue measuring 4.5 inches long. The Puggy lives in Texas, The united states of America and was abandoned by the breeder quite some time because of its weird looks. The dog has equal amount of problems, as it is not able to chew the food properly because of its heavy tongue.

2. Tennis Balls in The Mouth

Augie is an 8 year old gold retriever and has earned itself a world record by holding 5 tennis balls in its mouth at the same time. The owner of the dog claims, that the Augie has been catching the balls for a very long time and it never worked harder to hold more than one ball at the same time.

3. Longest Cat

Fluffy is a cat, hails from Reno, Nevada. The 6 year old cat has created a the Guiness book of world record in being the longest cat on the planet. Fluffy Feline measures around 49 inches long from the end of its tail bone to the tip of its nose. The cat measuring 4 feet is one of the rarest phenomena, as most of the cats hardly measures up to 2-3 feet.

4. Most Number of Flying Discs Catches

It is a common game, where we train our dogs to catch a flying disc. Not every dog would be able to catch and hold more than one disc at a time. Rose, a Labrador retriever has managed to catch and hold up to 7 flying discs without dropping. Rose is a 6 year old, which has been practicing the activity for a very long time and has been successful in progressing on a regular basis.

5. Tallest Dog

A Great Dane from Ariz hold the Guiness book of world records by standing at 43 inches tall. This has been the tallest dog ever in the history and it is commonly called as the Giant George. Giant George has tons and tons of fans in social media and it also has a book in his name.

6. Smallest Dog

The smallest dog on the earth is called as BOO BOO. This is the smallest dog in terms of height and a long haired female Chihuahua. This Chihuahua is just 4 inches tall and weighs around 2 pounds. Chihuahua has been quiet and prefer to have a human companion all the time.

7. Bionic Leg Implants

Oscar is the first cat, which took the advantage of modern technology in terms of implantations. Oscar has received two bionic leg implants and has cooperated to doctors in the finest way. The cat is very much comfortable with the prosthetic legs and living just like any other cat on earth.

8. Highest Jump

The world record for the highest jump in pet section is cleared by a greyhound. The greyhound is named Cinderella, which has cleared 68 inches long in the year 2006. Cinderella May is also called as Cindy, which has been trained well by its owner.

9. Popping Balloons

Anastasia is a Russel terrier, which has popped over 100 balloons in 45 seconds. Anastasia is very popular and has starred in a couple of shows and commercials in the united states of America. Anastasia lives in Los Angeles and practices on a regular basis.

10. Oldest Dog

An Australian dog holds the Guiness book of world record for being the oldest dog on the earth. Bluey is a Australian cattle dog, which is living for around 30 years and has been in the service of its master for over 20 years now.

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