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How to Clip Your Pet’s Nails

Unlike humans, it is important to take good care while clipping your pet’s nails. Some of the domestic pets would bleed continuously, if you do not clip the nail properly. 

Here are some of the important steps to follow to clip your pet’s nails perfectly

Gather Supplies and Equipments

It is important to be ready for any kind of situation, as clipping dog’s nail could be challenging sometimes. Gather medical supplies, toys and quality clipping equipments before you start the process. The chances of cutting the nails more than required is very common, as people would not have much experience and most of the dogs would not cooperate easily.

1. Choose The Right Time

As not every dog would cooperate, it is important to wait for the right time to clip your dog’s nails. Start trimming session slowly, as your dog needs to be adjusted. After meal time is the best time, as they tend to be lazy and the chances of cooperation is more. It is not advised to cut the dog’s nail when it is tired, as the dog would be in conscious and tend to disturb more.

2. Choose a Pair of Nail Clippers

It is important to use the quality nail clippers, as the activity is quite sensitive and a minor error could lead to a major damage. Most of the dog nail clippers look like a pair of scissors and functions in the same way. You will have to clip the nails by placing the top part  of the nail in between the blades of clippers. Squeeze the handle together firmly, as an incomplete cut could alarm the dog and the chances of cooperation is less.

3. Plan The Spot Before You Execute

Identify the spot, as it is important to cut the right part of the nail. Most of the domestic dog bleeds without stopping, if there is an extra or a wrong cut. It is very much essential to have enough experience to cut the nails, as some of the nails would be darker completely and it is quite challenging to identify the actual nail to cut.

4. Groom The Pet After Cut

It is very much essential to groom the pet after cut, as it would be in shock. Grab the foot firmly in the palm of your hand and rub gently till your dog is comfortable. Wrap the foot firmly and stabilize the fingers before leaving it.

How to Clip Your Cat’s Nails

1. Groom Your Cat’s Paws

Adjust your cat to the environment by grooming your cat continuously for some time. Groom till you find the cat relaxed and lounging. Ensure to give enough luxury for your cat, as cooperation plays a major role in cutting cat’s nails. Spend enough time with your cat, as you cannot force your cat to cooperate.

2. Hold Your Cat’s Paws and Massage

Hold your cat’s paws and massage for some time, as you need complete support from the cat. Most of the cats tend to pull back its claw, as they are not so comfortable with humans. Massage and groom the cat till it becomes comfortable, as you cannot cut its nails, when it is trying to pull back.

3. Get Quality Accessories to Cut Nails

It is important to cut nails with a quality equipment, as a minor error could lead to a wound or an injury. Cats clipping equipments look similar to a shaving scissor and cut the nails carefully by holding the cat’s paw firmly. Ensure to have all the emergency accessories, as a minor wound would lead to a big damage, unless not treated immediately.

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