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5 Healthy Homemade Dog Foods

It has become a practice, where people depend on commercial dog food. Just like human beings, preserved food is equally harmful for dogs. It is very much essential to provide healthy foods, which can be produced naturally or made at home to avoid any kind of side effects. Most of the preserved foods are filled with chemicals to extend the shelf life and this could cause a major problem, unless not addressed on time.

Some of the easiest homemade foods, which can provide the balanced amount of nutrients for your dog to stay healthy.

1. Peanut Butter Cookies

Dogs love peanut butter and it is widely recommended to feed dogs on a regular basis. Peanut butter cookies can be prepared with the help of fish oil, which balances the nutrients in the food.
Mix the flour and oats together.
Blend and add honey, peanut butter and fish oil to mix.
Use the thick mix of all the ingredients and place it on the cookie tray
Preheat the oven to 300 degrees and bake for 40 minutes
Allow to cool and feed the dog.

2. Chicken Jerky

Chicken jerky is a food, which can be used as an alternative to raw hides from stores. As the chicken jerky is chewy and tough, it keeps your dog occupied and enjoys the adventure of having the food.
Remove excess fat and cut the chicken breast into 1/7 inch thick strips.
Bake the thick strips for around 2 hours on a baking sheet.
Ensure to bake till it becomes dry and hard.
Allow the thick strips to cool completely before feeding the dog.

3. Frozen Yogurt Pops for Dogs

Most of the small and domestic dogs play around with an ice cube in the kitchen. Frozen yogurt pops would be ideal for these kinds of pets, as it includes fruit juice, carrots and yogurts, which provides sufficient calcium and protein to your dog.
Mix yogurt, fruit juice and carrots in a medium sized container
Stir till it blends smoothly
Put the mixture in ice cube trays
Freeze properly and feed the dog

4. Fruit and Vegetable Strips

Fruit and vegetable strips acts as an alternative to organic chewy treats in stores. Fruits and vegetable strips are rich in Vitamin C, which plays a major role in improving dog’s immune system.
Cook the sweet potato for a span of 10 minutes and allow it to cool
Preheat the oven to 300F
Mash the sweet potato and banana in a large mixing bowl till it becomes smooth.
Add carrots, oats and flour while it is smooth
Slowly mix by adding applesauce and water
The entire mix will form like a soft dough and roll the dough it becomes 1/8 inch thick
Cut the dough into strips and bake by placing on a baking sheet for around 30 minutes
Store the strips in the refrigerator for 2 weeks and feed your dog

5. Beef and Vegetable Balls

Beef is one of the favorite meats for most of the domestic pets and dogs would love to have a beef treat at any given point of time. Beef balls with vegetable mix can act as a nutrient food, as the dogs get to enjoy the meat and vegetables at the same time.
Boil or fry beef and vegetables
Mix beef and vegetables in a large mixing bowl
Drop the mixture and roll it in a ball shape.
Bake the balls by placing on a baking sheet for 15 – 20 minutes
Allow the balls to cool completely and serve the dogs on a regular basis.

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