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10 Types of Guinea Pigs

If you have made up your mind to adopt a guinea pig, it is very important for you to keep certain things in mind before deciding on a particular type of guinea pig. There are plenty of Guinea pig breeds to adopt based on your requirements.

Different breeds come in different colors, shapes and sizes. Their behaviors and personalities differ based on the breed, color and size. Adopting the right guinea pig could be a lovely, as it is a great companion you can ever have.

Some of the top 10 guinea pigs across the world

American Guinea Pig

The American Guinea pigs are the most common one, the one you visualize as soon as you think of a guinea pig. American Guinea pigs have a good temperament and adjusts with different kinds of environment. These breeds are known to be friendly and tend to get along with people and other guinea pigs.
Height: 20 – 25 CM
Weight: 700 – 1200 Grams

The Abyssinian Guinea Pig

Abyssinian Guinea pigs are one of the oldest breeds of Guinea pigs, which can surely be an icebreaker for visitors. Abyssinian pigs would usually have long hair and swirls, which could be a treat to look. The same feature gives out a challenging task in washing and grooming the Guinea pig. Grooming needs to be more than a regular guinea pig, as it tends to get dirty because of its long hair.
Height: 15 – 25 CM
Weight: 700 – 900 Grams

The Peruvian Guinea Pig

Peruvian Guinea pigs take the front seat in terms of hair length. The longest hair recorded by any guinea pig is Peruvian Guinea pig, which reached 19 inches long. Peruvian guinea pigs usually come with long and straight hair, which makes easier for people to wash and groom the pet. The Peruvian guinea pigs are more alert and curious among all the guinea pigs and tends to get along with children a lot.
Height: 15 – 20 CM
Weight: 800 – 1000 Grams

The Silkie Guinea Pig

Silkie guinea pigs are also called as Sheltie guinea pigs, which looks similar to Peruvian guinea pigs in terms of long and smooth hair. The Silkie guinea pigs are more popular, as the long hair tends to fall behind the ear cutely. Silkie guinea pigs are more popular than Peruvian guinea pigs, as the Silkie pigs are visually attractive. This breed is sensitive and requires a high quality grooming on a regular basis.
Height: 20 – 25 CM
Weight: 700 – 1000 Grams

The Teddy Guinea Pig

Teddy guinea pigs are often called as wiry guinea pigs. These breeds are always soft like other breeds and can be maintained easily. They have a thick coat of fur on their body, which requires a regular grooming by an expert. It is very common that these breeds are attracted for junk and insects, as they have a wiry coat on their body.
Height: 15 – 25 CM
Weight: 500 – 1000 Grams

The Texel Guinea Pig

The Texel guinea pig is a remarkable breed, which has curly soft hair on its body. The hair is spread all over the back, including the belly. Texel guinea pigs are the most successful breeds in guinea pig shows, as they are known to be more intelligent than any other breed. It is quite difficult and challenging to groom the Texel guinea pigs, as the hair is spread all over the body in a sensitive way.
Height: 15 – 20 CM
Weight: 800 – 1200 Grams

The White Crested

White crested guinea pigs are cute looking breeds, as they have a white spot like a crown on top of their head. It is easy to spot a white crested guinea pig among other breeds, as the breed is usually clean and visually attractive. They resemble American Guinea pigs, but are harder to find in nature. The white crested Guinea pigs can be groomed easily and a good companion for kids.
Height: 20 – 25 CM
Weight: 1000 – 1200 Grams

The Rex Guinea Pig

The Rex guinea pigs are short haired pigs, which looks more like a rat. These breeds would have a short hair, which are hardly 1 Cm Long. Most of the guinea pigs would have guard hairs, which are meant to protect the rest of the coat, however, Rrex breeds do no have guard hair and it makes the fur think. Most of the Rex guinea pigs are easy to maintain because of their short hair and can be a good companion for kids.
Height: 15 – 20 CM
Weight: 700 – 1000 Grams

The Himalayan Guinea Pig

The Himalyan guinea pigs are one of cutest breeds in guinea pigs. Himalayan Guinea pigs look more like a  rabbit, which is white in color. The Himalyan guinea pigs are truly remarkable, as they come with red eyes, brown nose ears. Some of the Himalayan Guinea pigs come with brown nail too. Himalayan breeds are not rare, but expensive compared to any other guinea pig breeds.
Height: 20 – 25 CM
Weight: 700 – 1200 Grams

The Skinny Guinea Pig

The skinny guinea pigs could be the first of its kind, as it looks more like a pig. Most of the skinny guinea pigs are hairless. They are not the attractive breeds because of its appearance, but is very easy to maintain. As the breed does not have hair, it makes it easy to wash on a regular basis.
Height: 15 – 25 CM
Weight: 800 – 1000 Grams

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