We do things to our dogs that they hate. These are not "oh, you know, puppies just don't like being bathed," these things make our animals feel bad and can cause serious physical harm. We're sure that most of these are apparent, but there may be one or two here that you had no idea about before reading this.
1) Weighing Them Down:
Dogs, significantly larger breeds like Labradors or German Shepherds, are susceptible animals. Many people will have a lead on their dog's collar to hold onto them while walking around the neighbourhood or when confronted by other dogs during walks to help keep them under control. These people don't realize that this is very stressful for a dog.
They have a strong hunting instinct, and when any sort of constricting device is put around their necks, it could be interpreted as being captured by the prey they've been stalking. The main idea behind why this is upsetting to dogs is because they pack animals so putting something around their neck that keeps them from being able to run and play with other dogs forces them into a position where they feel isolated and alone.
The best way to control a dog during walks is to keep them on a harness that has a leash that attaches to the front of its body. This keeps them from being able to pull and also gives you much more control over the situation.
By doing this, you can also ensure that you never harm your dog with the lead because if they do pull, you can sit down and prevent any pressure from coming into contact with the neck. If you want to learn more about adequately walking dogs with or without leashes, we recommend checking out this article.

2) Letting Them Jump On You All The Time:
It's hard for humans to fight against dog instincts. Dogs are special, and we don't fully understand it. One of them is the tendency to jump on you when happy. When you first bring home a new puppy, they think it's great fun to run around the house and jump on you whenever they greet you. This is cute at first but becomes annoying as a puppy grows into adulthood.
There's a way around this, though. When your dog pounces on you, just make sure not to pet them or acknowledge their behaviour for about twenty minutes. Refrain from doing anything other than saying "no jumping" in an authoritative tone before walking away from them.
This will teach them that there is a right way to greet you, and if they do it correctly, they will get rewarded with petting and affection. The more they do this, the faster they learn that jumping on you isn't the correct way to act.
3) Leashing Them Up Too Short:
Many people believe dogs love walks because it's nice for them to run around and be free. That is true for some dogs, but not all of them. You see, dogs are packed animals too, so when you take one out on a walk, they establish their place in their pack hierarchy.
They can do this by letting the other dogs know that they are leaders and establishing their place at the bottom of the pack above all the other animals.
When you keep a dog on a leash that is too short, you prevent them from being able to establish themselves in their minds as dominant over everything else around them. Because of this, your dog will tend to pull and be more aggressive because they are confused and don't know how they should behave or what they should be submissive to.
4) Not Letting Them Get Enough Sleep:
Dogs love to sleep, just like us humans. They need their rest just as much as we do to be happy, healthy, and well-adjusted members of society. The problem arises when people don't give their dogs enough rest.
For a dog to be happy and healthy, they need about eight hours of sleep each day, but that is impossible for most people because we're too selfish and lazy to get up early enough in the morning to let our dogs out so that they can claim their territory.
A dog's sleeping pattern is essential; if they aren't getting enough rest, they will become agitated and confused. They will start feeling stressed out because they don't know what is happening around them, so they don't know if it's safe or not to be aggressive towards anything. They're confused and anxious. This is why dogs that are not getting enough sleep tend to bite.

5) Letting Them Chase Cars:
Most dogs love to chase cars because it's fun, but their behaviour can be extremely harmful if you let them run around the neighbourhood doing this regularly. Many people will say that their dog only does it when they are outside, but I would argue that even then, it is still dangerous. Your dog could cause an accident by running into traffic or scare a small child so bad they may develop anxiety after being chased by a massive animal on four legs.
Dogs can't reason with us humans, and they are dogs. When they take off in pursuit of a driver in a car, they are doing it because they fear there might be something more attractive on the other side of the road that you've been denying them access to.
When dogs run out into traffic, it's terrifying because you don't know what could happen, and if your dog is doing this all the time, it will tend to cause your neighbour's nerves to snap, causing them to get aggressive towards you as well. Dogs are packed animals, so when their pack is denied access to something they want at that moment, it causes them to feel stressed out and agitated.
6) Making Them Sit Still for Too Long:
Dogs love to roam around and be free, but when we take them outside for walks, we want them to behave in a particular manner. We want them to sit still so we can walk them without trouble. In our dog's minds, they are thinking, "I'm supposed to be the one leading this walk; how dare you make me sit down! You're just a human, and I am much stronger than you; good try!"

We must remember that dogs only do these things because they think they are helping us. This is where dogs get confused. They are not sure who they should listen to, so they don't know what is right or wrong anymore. It's our duty as dog owners to teach them how to act, and if we don't, it is our fault when bad things happen to them or others around them because of their behaviour. After reading this, you may wonder if you have been making any of these mistakes with your dog, so I recommend checking out this article for even more information on how you can change your dog's behaviour for the better.
If you are planning to get your dog trained by a professional dog trainer if home training is not working out for your dog, then Mr n Mrs Pet can definitely help you find one so that your and your dog’s life becomes easy and fruitful. We have a network of experienced dog trainers in India, who can get your dog trained in no time! Apart from dog training we also provide Pet grooming and Dog walking services near you along with other pet care services and doorstep pet supplies.
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