The answer to this Dog FAQ, "Do dogs get jealous?" is 'Yes'! When a dog feels that another dog or human has replaced it, it starts to feel jealous. If your dog comes to you, sits, and wants his belly rubbed, your other dogs get jealous. If you pet one of your dogs and it doesn't want to be petted, the other dogs will get upset. In a nutshell, jealousy is very common in dogs — but not just bickering because of who does what with whom.
If you think about it, dogs are a very territorial species. They fight for their territory, their food, and for their partner. Usually, Dogs fight over resources with other dogs.
Jealousy is an emotion that arises when your dog feels a new dog has invaded its territory. Jealousy is triggered by something outside the household. It's usually not started by the other types of emotions we humans describe, such as love or anger.
The signs that your dog gets jealous depend on his breed and training. For example, a Doberman has been bred for generations to be very territorial. You will notice signs of jealousy like growling and barking at strangers in your home.

Here are the most common signs that your dog is jealous:
1. Your dog growls at a stranger who enters his territory (in your home).
His turf. It may look like he's protecting you from something, but in reality, he's protecting his territory. So, if another human or dog appears to be taking over your home, your dog will try to push them out of the way. He will growl and bark to try to get what he wants.
2. Your dog barks and lays on the ground, begging for your attention.
It is more of a protective reaction than jealousy. Any change in your dog's routine will trigger this reaction in some dogs, primarily breeds with a territorial instinct (like the Doberman Pinscher or the German Shepherd). But you can see your dog's automatic response to protect his territory.
3. Your dog suddenly starts acting mean toward another dog or human because of how they look.
It is when you see the other signs of jealousy in your dog. Your dog thinks that the other dog or person is after him. So, he protects himself.
4. Your dog stares at someone approaching you and your dog for attention, then barks when that person goes to pet him.
It is one of the most common signs of jealousy. If you're sitting on the couch and hugging your partner, your dog will come and sit next to you. But if the other dogs are around or someone reaches out to pet your dog, he'll get upset and start barking to push them away.
5. Your dog doesn't get along with another dog.
Your dog will either avoid or attack the other dog, depending on how big or small the other dog is. It is another sign of jealousy in your home since your dog thinks the other dogs are trying to take over his territory. Or it's a new pet that hasn't been introduced to the family yet, so he assumes they want to hurt him.
6. Your dog starts barking at another human who touches them, then attacks when that person goes away.
It shows you that your dog isn't used to humans because he's confronted by one and doesn't know what to do – so he reacts out of fear and aggression.

Here are some tips on how to train your dog not to be jealous:
1. Before you get a new dog, introduce your dogs. Let them sniff, but don't pick up or touch the other dog. Give them their space and time to get used to one another.
2. If you have a male dog, it's best not to introduce females into the pack until their breeding age. It will give him time to grow out of his jealousy at maturity.
3. A mother dog can teach puppies that they are in her domain. If you have multiple dogs in your household, ensure one is always dominant over the others so that this dynamic doesn't arise within the family (just for safety reasons).

Never reward your dog’s bad behavior, so if your dog growls or barks at you when trying to pet them, don't pet them after that happens. Instead, ignore the behaviour and try again later. If your dog gets too aggressive toward you when you try to touch him, get professional help from a dog trainer right away, as this could escalate into biting. You’re probably familiar with some of these situations if you're a dog owner. Jealousy is very typical in dogs. But the key to avoiding jealousy is to give them a space all their own and not invade it with another dog or person. If you have any other problems feel free to contact us on our website.
If you are planning to get your dog trained by a professional dog trainer if home-training is not working out for your dog, then Mr n Mrs Pet can definitely help you find one so that your and your dog’s life becomes easy and fruitful. We have a network of experienced dog trainers in India, who can get your dog trained in no time! Apart from dog training we also provide Pet grooming and Dog walking services near you along with other pet care services and doorstep pet supplies.
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