Does your cat like to be petted at all times? Tucks under your chin when the rain is coming? Are you cuddled up at night after a long day? Is he squirming to make you hold him tighter to avoid falling out of your arms and running away? If so, then it’s likely that this kitty loves you.
Does your cat recognize you when you walk into the room? Well, if he knows your face, then that’s already a sign of genuine love. But is it enough to tell us whether kitties care for their owners? Or if they are just only interested in YOU? And vice versa? It’s important to know since chances are that the cat may have his own needs and requirements that he wants to be met. And those needs and requirements are different, depending on whether he loves you.
We have listed down some signs that your cat loves you, so use this list as a guide to lead you to the conclusion of your kitty’s feelings.

1. Your cat sleeps in your bed
He will push between your legs and snuggle up against your belly. When you finally come home, he’ll wait for you to crawl into bed and kiss him on the head (he doesn’t expect that) or run his claws all over your chest/ neck. He might even get on your face and grab your cheeks.
2. He comes back home when you call
If he’s been away at the neighbour’s house or just out being a tomcat, and you call his name when he gets back home, watch how he runs to you and rubs his head against your leg or pants as some greeting. Not all cats will do this, but it’s undoubtedly a sign of affection if he does.
3. He rubs himself against you
It is especially true if he tends to throw himself at your feet more than once and then rub his body over your length, purring all the way. He may even look at you while doing this as if asking you to reciprocate.
4. He meows when you come home
Cats are known for meowing, especially when they want their owners’ attention. But if your kitty mewls in a different tone (in a higher pitch), and he does it every time you walk through the door, that’s another sign of love (and contentment).
5. He gives his toys to you as gifts
It’s most likely that he wants your praise or wants to play with the toy some more. Give him the satisfaction that he craves.
6. He loves to play with you in a more physical way
Do you know how your cat scratches and scratches at your legs, slowly and carefully? That’s because it is reaching out to you. He wants to be petted even if he doesn’t act like it. And if he does, then don’t hold back: pet his fur, his hind leg, and that side of his head near his ears (if it’s softer). Do this when watching “The Walking Dead” or another suspenseful movie. It works every time!
7. He’s your little shadow
If he follows you, doesn’t he want to be looked at? Is he your constant playmate? Does he need to keep a watchful eye on you? If so, that means he loves you.
8. He latches onto your fingers and walks with them
He will never allow anyone else to handle his body but you. And if that means walking with you in whatever room (like the kitchen or bathroom), then that’s what he will do. He prefers company when it comes to being petted and definitely when it comes to feeding time.
9. He follows you around the house and outside
Having a kitty as your constant companion by your side is a lovely reality. If he’s up for it, he would naturally want to join you on your walks (unless you don’t let him). If he doesn’t have inside access to get in, he will patiently wait for an opportunity to jump up on your shoulders and snuggle up against your neck while you are busy doing something else. And if there’s nothing else to do around the house, chances are he is walking around with you somewhere.

There are a lot of signs that cats love their owners. You can witness most of these signs from being pets and fed; this shows that you get equal attention as he does. It also means that kitties have their own needs, like every living thing. They don’t choose to be petted because they feel comfortable around people and are given the attention they want and require. And lastly, cats would likely love someone who would pay them the attention they want and deserve. For more information on cat behavior, checks out our articles Mr N Mrs Pet.
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