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How To Tame And Teach All Birds The Step Up Command?

The very first thing to teach the birds as soon as you bring them home is the step up command. The command not only establishes your authority over the birds but also makes then respect and obey you as their own parents. So here is the best way of teaching your birds the step up command without forcing them:

Create the Ideal Atmosphere

One of the most important factors to consider before you start the training is the atmosphere. A natural atmosphere will make the bird look at you as a "familiar" being that belongs to its habitat. So if you are going to teach him a step up command, make sure to keep some greenery around so that it can remind the bird if his own natural environment. You can also choose either to buy a readymade nest from the market or make one and place the bird there. The birds are good at relating the things. So if you will teach the bird the step up command while it is inside the nest, it will look at you as a guardian or parent figure with good intentions. Hence it will dispel its fears.

Keep Sessions Short

The birds are small and delicate beings and stressing them too much will only make the matters more complicated. It will also engender hostility in the birds and they will eventually stop obeying you. So it is highly recommendable to keep the sessions short enough to be bearable by the birds. A maximum of 15 minutes is an ideal time for a single session.

Tip: Though many people begin with short sessions they keep on increasing the time as the training progresses. It is a wrong approach. 15 minutes is the ideally maximum time that a session should take. Increasing the time period will only make the bird tired. On the contrary it is recommended to decrease the session period to, say, 5 or 8 minutes as a "reward" for the birds who are fast learners.

Ideal Interaction

One of the major mistake made by many bird adopters is wrong way of initial interacting. During its initial days the bird looks at you as a Big Alien being. So if you will try to touch the bird's back or feathers, it will further increase its fears and the bird might attack in its self defense. Hence the very first impression is negative.

It will also affect the future relationship or bond between you and the birdie negatively. So the ideal way is to first communicate with the bird. The bird might not understand the words you speak but it will start recognizing your voice. After that you can start caressing its cage. The act of caressing is understood by many beings including birds. So it will make them further acquainted with you. Then you can start feeding them, first feed them by placing small bowls inside the cage and then, gradually try to feed them with the hands. Now you are doing all the acts that their natural parents would do: caring, feeding and giving them a comfortable habitat. Now you can start the step up training.

The Training

Now you can hold the treat in one hand while the other hand used for stepping up. It will convey the message to the bird that if it has to get the treat it needs to step up on the hand. But the hesitant bird will not instantly perch on your finger. Repeating the act will make it attracted to the treat and it will finally come closer. As soon as it comes close to your step up finger allow it to eat a little amount of the treat. Continue with the same command for several days. It will help in increasing the trust factor. Once the bird starts trusting you , you can them take your finger a little closer and lightly touch the front part of the bird. It will convey the message to step up. As soon as the bird perches on your finger, you should issue a single word command "Up". Initially each time the bird perches on your finger you should try to swing it, caress it or give it a sumptuous treat. It will help it to take the command positively.


Stepping up is the foundational command that establishes the initial relation between you and the bird. Hence you need to be overcautious while teaching it the step up command. There are different patterns in which each bird learns according to its species. However the three basic things to remember while teaching step up command are: be patient, reward reasonably and keep sessions short.

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