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Why Cats Make Great Companion

Not many people would agree about having a cat at home, as it is not loyal and friendly. Cats may not be friendly to many of us, but there are plenty of advantages of having a cat in your house. Most of the cats are available at nominal costs than a dog, since dogs can be seen in most of the places as pets. Cats may not be loyal and affectionate like a dog, but prefers to stay with family all the time. 

Some of the advantages of having a cat at home.

1. Cats Are Independent

Cats can be called as a wonderful creature among other domestic animals, which do not make you take care of it all the time. Most of us are busy with our lives and it is not possible to spend an extra time to take care of our pets. Most of the cats do not expect a constant attention, as the cats prefer to stay independent all the time. A set of toys and a cat door in the house is all it looks for, since cats prefer to live in an independent environment.

2. Intelligence 

Cats are one of the intelligent pets to adopt than dogs. Cats can learn your daily routine and commands without much of the training from the master. Cats can turn up at the right time for food and even understands your mood based on your behavior. Cats can actually understand the master’s commands quickly than a dog, but do not prefer to adhere or follow the command. 

3. Cleanliness

Cats are known for their cleanliness, as they prefer to stay in a clean and crisp environment. This is one of the popular reasons for us to adopt cats than dogs. Cats can groom itself and can even go to the toilet when it is necessary. Most of the country cats go out to take a piss and closes the spot with the help of mud immediately.

4. Affordable

Dogs are quite expensive than cats, as most of us do not prefer to adopt a cat at home. Some of the rare cats could cost a fortune, but a general and a regular cat is affordable. Most of the cats do not catch up with diseases, as it plays safe from all kinds of harmful things and stays clean all the time. A cat can be carried to most of the places in a small cart, since they are small and compatible in size.

5. Trainable And Fun

Cats are just like dogs in most of the cases, since they can be trainable. Training cats could be challenging compared to a dog, as they do adhere to your commands so easily and quickly. It is fun to play with cats, as they are harmless and do not weigh a lot like dogs. Most of the girls prefer to have cats at home than dogs, since they look cute and maintains the hygiene at all the time.

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