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How Can We Get Affection From Our Pet?

Most of the people look at their pet as a family member and love them unconditionally. But many times they fail to get the same love by their pet. It does hurt when you caress your dog and it stands without any expressions or even leaves instantly as soon as you touch its head. Likewise if putting your hand inside the cage of your parakeet to caress it prompts it to bite you that is a behavior that intensely hurts you. The big question here is: How to be loved by your pet?

Here are a few tips telling the reason your pet is indifferent or hostile to you and how can make it reciprocate the love that you offer to it:

Learn the Communication

The communication is the first thing to consider if we really want to be loved by our pets. Here we need focus on the fact that though our dog might respond when we call its name or our parrot mimics us when we talk to him, English or Hindi is not the language that animals can fully understand. The language that they understand or use to communicate is the language of facial expressions or body language.

So you need to learn the communication methods of the animal and breed that you have tamed. Many times you’re innocuous or even loving gestures are misinterpreted by the animals and looked as a threat. For example, if you look at your cat with love it is a threat for it. That is because the cats interpret a direct unblinking gaze as a challenge or threat. Likewise there are many instances where your facial expressions or body language may be misinterpreted. So you first need to learn the pet communication before you actually start communicating with them.

Don’t Be Strict With Them

Many people think that if they can slap their baby to make them disciplined, the same can be done to their pets too. This is not a mistake. This is actually a blunder. If you would observe closely, you will not find any animal parent beating or biting their babies while making them learn the rules of life. Their expression of strictness is quite subtle. Cat, for example, would stop feeding its kittens once they have been fully trained, so as to allow them get the food by themselves.

Likewise you can also express your strictness subtly. If your dog does not want to learn toilet manners for example, you can stop playing with it for a few days. But an even better way to train it would be to reward it whenever it obeys you with some kind of treat. That would encourage it to look at you without fear.

Do Not Pamper Them Too Much

While we human beings like being pampered unconditionally and immensely, that is not the case with animals. So patting your cat for 5 minutes would be a good way to establish a bond between you and your cat but if you would continue patting it all day long, now and then, it would irritate your cat. That is because they are made to be rough and tough, enjoying a balance of strength, authority and affection; each in a reasonable quantity.

So by patting your cat or dog whole day long you are actually offending their innate nature.

Do Not Force Them to Eat

Just because you like Pizza does not mean that your dog too should like it. In fact there are many eatables that the dog's stomach cannot digest. The same is true in case of other animals. And while you might like to be forced by someone when you formally say "No" to any food item, the case with animals is completely different. No dog or cat would say a "formal" a to any offer. If they say no that plainly means they just don’t want to eat it.

So there is no point forcing your pet to gulp in something they don’t want. Doing so will only make them angry and look at you as a dictator.

Let Them Live In Natural Environment

While you may enjoy an AC in a closed room while watching TV, same is not always true in case of your cat or parrot. A parrot would like the comfort of its nest while the cat would be more comfortable in open or hiding behind the bush.

So you need to make small "natural Habitats" for your pet in the house. Buy a ready made nest or make one by putting some straws in a small pot and let your parrot sit there for some time. Likewise you can have some bush in your garden and let your cat hide there for some time. They would surely start loving you.


While you may unconditionally love your pet, sometimes you think that the pet refuses to reciprocate the same love towards you. Instead of thinking that you may not need to invest any more love in that pet, it is much better to do a quick review of the things. Sometimes, we may be unintentionally offending our pet or they might be misinterpreting our lovely expressions. So you need to review your ways of showing love and modify if necessary.

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