Dogs are the example of loyalty. There are a number of heartwarming real-life stories of dogs and their owners which have touched most of us. Here are a few for you
Dog Stays by His Master’s Grave For Six Years
It came into notice when Captain went missing and was later found lying near his master’s grave. He visits his master’s grave every day at 6 PM like clockwork.
Adopted Dog Saves Infant Child
This adopted dog proved his worth. One night Duke woke up his owners by shaking uncontrollably on their bed, trying to get their attention. Their nine-week-old infant Hazel wasn’t breathing in the other room, and without his intervention, they never would have noticed. The girl’s life was saved by awareness of the dog.Dog Mourns at Casket of Navy SEAL
The pictures of a grieving Labrador went viral in America in August 2011.Lost Dog Saves a Life
Stacey Savige found a lost terrier roaming on the streets and asked her neighbour Yolanda Sevogia to keep an eye on it. Yolanda has two sons, elder of them, Christian, 21, who had Down’s syndrome. 4 days later she was still keeping taking care of the dog and when she got home, she saw the dog barking loudly to which Yolanda ran and found her son suffering a violent seizure.Christian got immediate treatment and recovered soon, all thanks to the dog.
The dog who nudged his master off the track, and in the process got hit by the train.
The dog’s master was suicidal and fell asleep on the railway tracks under the influence of alcohol.
The dog, sensing the severity of the danger, put in his best efforts to get the man off the track. He pushed, pulled, nudged, and did all that he could if he were a super dog. And yes, he was. Because of his efforts, he was successful. But the timing was a bitch. The train driver saw the dog on the track and applied the emergency brake. Even so, his hind paws got under the wheel, and he died, right on the spot, as one of the world’s most selfless being to have ever lived.
Many times dogs have proved that they are not only human’s best companion but also the saviour of our lives too!
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