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Exercise for Your Pets: Dogs, Cats, Small Pets

Dogs are one of the most active creatures, as they have a good immune and the digestive system. It is equally important to take good care of dogs, as they can get infected very easily from foreign particles. Exercises are surely advised by every veterinary doctor and dog physicians, as it requires a constant work out to be active and intelligent.

It is important to provide some exercise tips by spending a decent amount of time from your daily schedule to keep your dog healthy.

Some of the basic exercise tips would be…

1. A Brisk Walk on a Regular Basis

Try to take your dog for a walk at least once in a day for a span of 45 – 60 minutes, as a cool and warm walk could refresh your dog and can be more productive and happy for the rest of the day. Most of the dogs are well trained to finish all the outdoor activities when it is taken for a walk, as it will be easier to clean up outside the house.  A brisk walk with less dust could help your dog to burn enough amount of calories to be fit and healthy.

2. Jog to Keep Your Dog Active

A proper jog for yourself is a fine jog for your pet as well. A regular jog or at least twice or thrice in a week could help your dog stay active, as jogging activity helps your pets to burn unwanted calories from its body. You may need to give a longer period of time or a rough run in order to provide an appropriate workout for your dog. It is recommended to jog for at least 60 – 80 minutes on a daily basis, as it helps them to stay active for the rest of the day.

3. Dog Tag Game

A traditional game, which helps your dog to think smart and to be active. The Dog tag game is one of the oldest and the most played games with dogs. Most of the fitness freaks would like to play this game with their dogs, as it helps your dog to stay fit and gives a good workout for yourself. Tag your dog and start running around in your backyard for a span of 30 – 45 minutes to exercise your dog on a regular basis.

4. Fetch Races

Fetch races are one of the most easiest activities to perform on a daily basis. Throw your dog’s favorite toy or a special food to catch and collect from a longer distance. Most of the dogs love does fetch races, as they feel proud to serve their masters by returning things from your backyard. Fetch races are being enjoyed by most of the dogs and you can train them at the same time.

5. Stair Games

It is quite obvious that any living being on the earth uses more energy to climb stairs than the other way around. You can throw one of its toys or its favorite food down to stairs to collect and return it back to the master. This helps them to burn more calories in a short span of time and is being enjoyed at the same time.

6. Dogstacle Training

Place different toys and fitness gear around your backyard and make your dog to collect only the food and its toys. This helps your dog to figure out the genuine things to look for and gives a good workout to its brain and to its body. Dogstacle training is the most common course, which is given to the army and police dogs. This training helps dogs to catch the right thing by smelling and sensing from a longer distance.


Just like human beings, it is important to train and exercise your dogs on a regular basis, as it them to stay fit and active all the time. A lazy can attract more germs and cause major diseases for a longer period of time. It is widely recommended to consult a physician or a veterinary doctor on a regular basis to keep a track on its health to avoid any kind of major damage.

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