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5 Warning Signs of Bloat That Could Save Your Dog’s Life

Dog bloating is one of the most common disorders for highly sensitive dogs, as the nutrition plays a major role in its diet. Bloating can be referred to a stomach gastric disorder, which happens to be one of the most dangerous diseases for your dog. It is commonly called as GDV or Gastric Dilatation Volvulus in medical terms and considered as one of the priority 1 diseases in pets

Some of the most common dog breeds, which are sensitive to bloating are Great Danes, Poodles, bloodhounds, German shepherds, Rottweiler’s, Old English Sheepdog, Dachshunds and so on..

Bloating is nothing but the dog’s stomach expands rapidly with both fluid and gas and rotates on itself. The pressure builds up in the dog and stomach lacks blood supply. This makes one of your dog’s organ dysfunction and could result in high damage to the dog’s health system. Most of the dogs do not survive in high sensitive or advanced bloating cases and it is less likely to figure out the warning signs for many people in the early stages. 

Symptoms of Bloat in Dogs

Most of the dog experience bloats very suddenly and highly seen in the middle aged or old aged dogs. It is important to observe the progress of the dog in both behavior and in physical appearance, as a sudden change in either of the characteristics is the primary symptom of Dog Bloat. 

Drooling More Than Usual

Dogs usually drool to express their discomfort or pain to you, as most of the dogs do not always prefer to bark to gain attention from the owner. Some of the small and domestic dogs are playful and drolls most of the times to play with humans, but a sudden change of drooling is a symptom of bloating in your dog.  It is very much essential to consult a veterinary doctor immediately, as it can be cured easily in the earlier stages.

If Your Dog is Sick

When your dog is sick and not co-operating in any of your regular medicines. Most of the dogs do act friendly and cooperate during medication for owners and doctors. When you see your dog sick for a long time without taking any medications, it is highly recommended to visit a veterinary clinic to have a check up and get cured of bloating.

Tight or Swollen Stomach

It is almost impossible to have a swollen stomach in most of the dogs, as it can digest domestic food easily. Only a spoiled meat or contaminated water can bring any kind of disorders, but a sudden change in the size of the stomach could be a reason behind bloating. As Bloating is a disorder caused by a gastric element in the dog’s body, it is very much evident that the dog’s tight or swollen stomach can be a symptom of bloating.

Tired but Restless

Dogs are one of the most active animals on the planet and are known to stay alert and play for a long time. It is highly uncommon to see dogs getting tired because of physical activity, but some of the dogs do get tired because of the discomfort in their body. When dogs start drooling more than usual or run around for a long time, it gets tired but does not stop the activity. When your dog is restless for a long time, it is advised for you to consult a veterinary doctor, as an advanced stage bloating can cause a major damage or even kill the dog in most of the occasions.

Sudden Change in Weight

It is not possible to put on weight all of a sudden, as most of the dogs are hyperactive in nature and would have enough capabilities to digest all kinds of food. It requires a long time to develop muscles and to put on weight, as it would need highly nutritious food with regular training from humans. A sudden increase in weight without any change in diet should make you worry, as it could be the first stage of bloating. 


It is important to take care of your dog, as most of you treat your pet as a part of your family. As dogs do not talk or express their discomfort in words, it is our responsibility to observe the changes and respond to its disorders at the earliest to avoid any kind of major damage to your dogs.

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